Domestic Violence Awareness Month: Our VP Shares Her View

By: Becky Winstead, VP of Domestic Violence Services

Although domestic violence is an important issue every day and during every month, Domestic Violence Awareness Month provides additional opportunities to raise awareness and to focus as a community on this significant issue.  Intimate partner violence, often referred to more generally as domestic violence, is a prevalent problem that affects millions of people in the United States each year.  Even if you have not experienced violence or control in any of your dating relationships or you did not grow up witnessing violence at home as a child, you probably know someone who has.  If you have experienced abuse, violence, or control first-hand from a partner, please know that you are not to blame for that abuse and you are not alone. 

While there is not a singular approach that will be suitable for every domestic violence situation, we can listen and support survivors in developing a plan and selecting options that might be helpful in their unique situation.  As community members, I encourage you to listen with empathy if a coworker, neighbor, or friend expresses fears or safety concerns about their relationship.  Please listen without judgment, validate their concerns, and encourage survivors to contact local service providers for support and assistance.

Remedies Renewing Lives has been providing services to survivors of domestic violence since 1978.  Our staff is available to listen, provide support, help with safety planning, and offer options, advocacy and resources.  If you or someone you know needs assistance due to being in an unsafe or unhealthy relationship, call Remedies Renewing Lives domestic violence program at 815-962-6102.  Trained advocates are available to answer your call 24-hours/day, 7 days/week.  Services are voluntary, free, and confidential and include, but are not limited to, 24-hour hotline, emergency shelter, counseling, advocacy, Order of Protection assistance, support groups, and transitional housing with both adult and child survivors.

This October, in honor of Domestic Violence Awareness Month, please join us in helping local survivors by listening without judgment and referring to local agencies who are here to help.  Instead of telling someone that they need to leave their relationship or take certain action, support their right to make the choices that are safest for them.  If you want to help raise awareness about domestic violence, you can also contact Remedies Renewing Lives to schedule a presentation for your business, club, school, or faith community, or consider gathering resource information to display at one of those locations.  Together, we can make our community a safer place for all adults and children who have experienced abuse.


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