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National Child Abuse Prevention Month

April is recognized as National Child Abuse Prevention Month.  It is also a time to support the importance of communities and community organizations who are working together to help families thrive and to prevent child abuse.  Throughout the year, communities are encouraged to increase awareness that promotes child and family well-being and work together to implement effective strategies that support families and to prevent child abuse and neglect.

Child Abuse Prevention Month was created because child abuse and neglect were both widespread and often invisible.  The more adults can have a positive impact on a child’s experiences, the stronger society will be.  A safe, stable and nurturing environment can have a positive effect on brain development.  Research shows that children who suffer from the prolonged stress of abuse and neglect tend to struggle in their behavioral, physical and cognitive abilities.  The effects of early trauma can continue through generations.  Experiencing support in early childhood can prevent or even reverse the damaging effects of early life trauma, which can have lifelong benefits for a young person’s learning, behavior, and health.

Child abuse and neglect isn’t just from one cause.  Living in a community with a high rate of violence, limited access to social services, poverty and unemployment are all major factors.  It is important to address community needs be giving families support will have a greater impact, and costs less, than attempting to address the consequences of adversity after a child reaches adulthood.

Increased awareness and collective action are key factors in addressing child abuse and neglect.  Many innovative strategies are utilized to promote National Child Abuse Prevention Month.  Events and activities have included everything from kid’s art contests to coordinated visits to state legislators and days of prayer.  Many “Prevent Child Abuse America (PCA America) state chapters have created suggestions to help with social media campaigns, creating community campaigns and other activities to raise awareness.

Every child has a need for love and support.  Together, as a community, we can prevent child abuse.